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Dementia Unit

Stage-3 Dementia Care, Specialist Licensed

The dementia unit provides care for people suffering with Alzheimers and other dementia-related illnesses. This is a home for people who have been needs assessed and require specialised care and security. Some of our residents are "Young People Dependent" and range in age from late 40's to 65, while others are aged over 65 through to late 70's.

If you are looking for the very best care in an uplifting environment with a calm, friendly atmosphere and expert clinical knowledge, you'll find it all right here at Aranui's dementia unit...

State-of-the-art dementia unit
This 25-bed state-of-the-art facility was recently built adjoining Aranui Rest Home & Hospital. It has been purpose-built to cater for the specific needs of dementia clients.

Research was carried out in the planning stages and the unit has been modelled on successful contemporary dementia facilities in Australia. When you look around you'll see that everything has been carefully considered to create the best possible environment for those with dementia.

For our residents it's a homely place where comfort and security is assured. With a bedroom to themselves rather than shared, our clients have suitable spacious privacy. There is also the option to upgrade to a bedroom with ensuite. The entire unit is carpeted throughout and has underfloor heating.

Both men and women reside here. An interesting benefit we've observed with mixed gender living at Aranui is that people make an effort to maintain a good standard of dress. It's wonderful to see residents take pride in their appearance.

A wonderful menagerie of animals!
There is an air of tranquillity and a beautifully peaceful atmosphere here. Partly that's because of the easy connection we have with nature and animals. Residents benefit from the calming company of our lovely rabbit Elvis and cat Tinker and our bird aviary is a source of great interest, not to mention uplifting birdsong.

Generous outdoor area
It's important for dementia clients to have some form of physical outlet, especially walking, so we have provided generous and secure outdoor spaces. This secure environment has a large garden area allowing residents to move in and out of their home for fresh air and exercise. Residents in our care are unable to wander away unaccompanied. A pool-like fence around the outside of the dementia unit cleverly creates a visual connection to the adjacent rest home and hospital areas of Aranui, adding to the feeling of homeliness and spaciousness.

Respect for the individual
As healthy individuals we are all diverse in our expression. Those suffering from dementia are just as diverse in their expression. Our philosophy of care respects and accepts individuals' expression of self, and our work practices reflect this. As much as possible, we choose to accommodate the world of those with dementia, rather than trying to change their behaviour to fit ours.

Diversional therapy
We believe that activities need to have a purpose for our residents. Our talented divisional therapist creates individual programmes which are comprehensive. Each activity is designed to support and maintain the skills and awareness that our residents have. These activities provide a tool for reminiscence and fun, and include regular music therapy and pet therapy sessions.

Additional activities

  • Local shops enable residents to enjoy accompanied walks.
  • Residents often enjoy supervised morning tea and concerts in Aranui's rest home area, outside the dementia unit.
  • Ice-creams are offered daily and residents enjoy participating in cooking sessions with an activity person supervising. Making pancakes is a favourite!
  • Daily entertainment ensures each day is stimulating and a little different.
  • Relaxing hand massages are something many residents look forward to.

Nursing care
The resident-orientated care delivered at the dementia unit is directed and overseen by the General Manager who is a Registered Nurse with specific experience and training in dementia care. She is supported by an experienced Clinical Coordinator, a Supervisor, Registered Nurses and a team of caregivers and an activities coordinator.

All staff are trained specifically in caring for people with dementia. Staff training is ongoing and supported by outside organisations such as the Alzheimer's Foundation. Our staff are carefully chosen to ensure a loving, supportive environment for our residents. The staffing ratio here is high enough that residents can be carefully monitored day and night.

Admission to the dementia unit can be actioned if Secure care is recommended upon the assessment of an individual. The needs assessment can be arranged by your GP or Social Worker.

For the sake of clarity, the needs assessment should be undertaken prior to visiting Aranui.

Standard pricing applies - please enquire about subsidised and private rates.

Security & safety
We fully comply with all health & safety regulations, with smoke detectors, sprinklers and fire safety doors throughout the home. The fire safety doors provide extra security as they prevent the spread of fire.

Visitors & parking
Friends and relatives of residents are welcome at the unit every day between 10 am and 6 pm and are encouraged to enjoy the gardens and the family/whanau room and deck for quieter visits. There is plenty of parking for visitors at the entrance to the unit, located in Willcott Street.

A monthly newsletter keeps residents, family and staff informed of goings on.

Laundry and kitchen
Residents at the dementia unit have all their laundry needs taken care of, and the in-house kitchen staff prepare delicious, nutritious meals on the premises. This ensures all special dietary needs of residents are catered for. A dietician oversees and approves the menus, providing hands-on quality control and tasty, home cooking. Click here to view a sample menu.

Special occasion celebrations
Everyone here loves a good party and the staff ensure there are plenty of them. The home celebrates Guy Fawkes, Christmas and Easter every year with additional events including themed parties where family and friends are invited to join the fun.

Physiotherapy service
We have a modern well equipped physiotherapy room staffed by qualified contracted physiotherapist and physiotherapy assistants who are based at Aranui rest home and visit the dementia unit weekly and as needed. All residents are assessed on admission and a plan put into place to accommodate their needs. Physiotherapy assessments are also carried out on residents as their needs levels change.

Hairdresser service
We have an experienced hairdresser who is based at Aranui and visits the dementia unit frequently. All appointments can be made through the Daffi - the dementia supervisor.

Podiatry service
We have a registered podiatrist who visits monthly. All appointments can be made though Daffi - the dementia supervisor.

Medical care
We have two specialised medical practitioners from Stoddard Medical Centre who hold weekly clinics in the dementia unit and Aranui and provide emergency support care throughout the week.

Emergency medical care is accessed from after-hours medical centres, which provides us with 24-hour medical cover, but you are welcome to use your own GP should you wish.


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