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Day Stay

Aranui operates a day care service from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM every day of the week from Monday through to Sunday. This allows people who are currently living in their own homes or with family to make full use of Aranui's services and facilities for just $35 a day.

Clients are welcome to take part in any of the home's planned activities and are given a hot, two-course lunch plus morning and afternoon tea.

We offer a pick-up and drop-off service at a nominal extra cost of $6 per trip at both sites.

The day stay is designed for clients who perhaps need some supervision, are lonely at home and want company, or for whom being home alone is not the preferred option. It is also used by families wishing to take a break from round-the-clock care of an elderly relative.

This service is ideal for people who may at some later stage wish to come into the rest home or hospital on a full-time basis but whose residential needs are currently catered for.


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